A waterfall hike

Hickory Nut Gap Falls at Chimney Rock
Spring in the mountains of the Southern Appalachians brings a succession of spring woodland wildflowers, the diverse greens of hardwood trees unfurling their leaves, and milder days (this year, it's been MUCH milder).

close-up of lower falls
A repeat hike on the Four Seasons Trail up to Hickory Gap Falls (I posted about a previous hike a couple of weeks ago), brought changes in the vegetation, to be sure.

vegetation associated with falls (in rock crevices)
What I noticed most today was the interesting vegetation around the falls, and the remarkable patterns of the waterfall.
Iris cristata in rock crevice
 Woody had a great time, too.  Here he's cooling off in a mountain seep (the water is continuously flowing over rocks).

Woody at Chimney Rock State Park

P.S.  My (elderly) laptop gave it up last week, so my 'mobile' posts this weekend did too!  Thankfully, a replacement is on the way.
