Back in my garden
I arrived home this morning to find a sleepy, but then very excited Mocha to welcome me. (My gardening companion was coming home at lunchtime).
Wandering around first thing to check on plants, I was glad to be home in our garden. The vegetable garden is flourishing, in spite of the dry weather, the garlic is almost mature, and the squash vines are starting to ramble. Several variegated fritillaries were flying around, and the garden is lively with birds.
The snap peas are still producing, the nasturtiums have started to flower, and the butterfly weed is trying to expand its spot next to the tomatoes and bean trellis.
I had moved quite a bit of it via root cuttings last year, but clearly it's enjoying the extra nutrients and water...
It's wonderful to travel, but also good to be at home.

It's wonderful to travel, but also good to be at home.

Welcome home! Isn't it lovely to sleep in your own bed again?