An overgrown garden

It was lovely to come home to a lush, green garden, even if our resident woodchuck had nibbled on parsley, beans, and chard. S/he had rather nicely pruned the lower squash vines, actually, which otherwise would have been sprawling down into the woodland garden.

The pocket meadow has exploded; it definitely needs some serious editing. What was I thinking when I planted Silphium perfoliatum, Coreopsis trifoliata, and another Silphium, simply to replace a lost Coreopsis (which was a nice focal point). Uh, and the Vernonia spp. has seeded in everwhere, in addition to the parent plant, not to mention how big the Phlox has become, etc. etc.

These are quite dreadful photos, taken in bad light with my iPhone, but you get the idea.


  1. Plants grow so quickly at this time of year, especially after a couple of good rains. I'm having bunny issues this year which evidently means no chard for me as both round one and two were munched down to nothing shortly after transplanting.

  2. My own garden is always threatening to explode and take over the entire neighborhood. I have the Silphium and Vernonia also, plus Eutrochium and Rudbeckia laciniata and many other lovable thugs.


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