I have a special fondness for rabbits. Probably if we had more of them, and they were a nuisance in my vegetable garden, I wouldn't think so favorably about them. We live in a small town that's quite suburban in character, really; although we're not in the 'suburbs,' we're not totally rural anymore, either. There's plenty of open space here, but it's increasingly punctated by a mix of houses, pop-up malls, etc.
Rabbits are a scarce commodity around here. I always enjoy spotting one on a morning walk or in our garden.
Growing up, I loved
The Story of Peter Rabbit and all of the other Beatrix Potter tales. My mom even gave me a collection of Beatrix Potter stories as a keepsake as a young adult.

So I was delighted to see this large rabbit in the front meadow this morning. S/he was nibbling on grasses, and looks like quite the robust specimen.
I have a picture like that, though I am not as happy about the robust rabbit in my garden!! Peter Cottontail or not!
ReplyDeletePlease come and take my wascally wabbits! - Dave
They are cute aren't they. My extremely fat (or expecting) cottontail has only eaten radish tops so far, despite the carrots and lettuce in the garden.
ReplyDeleteYou know, now I'm wondering why we don't have more rabbits here in our neighborhood (or at the Garden, for that matter). Their mortality rate must be extremely high, whether it's traffic, local feral cats, hawks or owls. I'll have to check into it!
ReplyDeleteI have heaard that the life expectancy of a wild rabbit is 3 to 9 months and you see more of them during the summer because they will breed several times during the season (hence "they breed like rabbits"). - Dave