New Zealand introduction

After arriving in Auckland, we were exhausted. It was much more challenging than flying to Europe, or even Asia, as the long travel times, combined with time change, result in more definitive jet lag. Thankfully, we had a lovely Airbnb space that was comfortable and quiet, and central for exploring central Auckland and some interesting surrounding neighborhoods.

A neighborhood farmer’s market was lovely — these beautiful microgreens were just one of the many nice offerings of fruits and vegetables for sale at the Parnell farmer’s market on Saturday morning.

NOTE: photos need to be clicked (for the entire image), as there are oddities about how Blogo cooperates with the iPad interface.
Strolling through the nearby neighborhood was equally enjoyable. It was clearly a community that had some afflulence, but chatting with several shopkeepers and their friends underscored that it was also a real community.
Part of the ambience was exmplified by this small shopping complex. It was created by transforming historic buildings into a delightful group of shops surrounding by beautiful old brick pathways and gardens, thanks to its creator, whose tribute (from his children) marked one of the entrances.
