First tomatoes and peas

 In Quebec, we have a short growing season.  

This year I put in two tomato transplants; one a Sweet Million cherry tomato, the other a San Marzano paste tomato. Even in a warming climate, Eastern Quebec doesn't impress me as an excellent tomato growing environment.

Remarkably, they've been growing well and I collected the first ripe tomatoes from the Sweet Million plant today, along with some Sugar Snap peas.

I wish I'd harvested broccoli leaves as greens earlier, as the developing heads look a bit puny.  But my climbing squash plants are doing well, as is the spinach I seeded after the solstice, so my vegetable gardening adventures here continue.

I have one tomatillo plant (another unlikely Quebec transplant) and a ground cherry (ditto), both are developing fruits, so that's interesting! 

The fresh garlic harvested from the garden is delicious, too.  Glad to have it and I'll be planting more cloves in the fall before we return to North Carolina.

An addendum:  these cherry tomatoes were the most delicious that I've ever grown!
