A welcome Rudbeckia

It's been great to have a volunteer Rudbeckia (it looks like fulgida) along the front path.

It's flowering much later than all of the other Rudbeckias in the front garden; they're glorious in mid-summer;  in full flower now, this individual is brightening the house side of the pocket meadow, accompanying the aromatic asters (Symphyotrichum oblongifolium) that are signature late-flowering plants in early fall.  The goldenrods are fading now, so the bumblebees and other flower visitors have switched to the asters.

I haven't had a chance yet to edit the pocket meadow for a variety of reasons, but am looking forward to tweaking its exuberance here and there.  The Joe-Pye is looking wan and there are seedlings of Silphium and Vernonia to pull, too.  Not to mention the morning glory vines rambling on the edges of the front garden (where I squeeze out the car door stepping into flopped-over, but still lovely, Salvia guarantica).

The rhythms of the seasons are always pleasing;  there's now a bit of coolness in the air in the morning, while the afternoons remain (a bit unseasonably) warm and humid. But there are hints of color here and there, foreshadowing more color to come.

I went on to post this in Places of the Spirit, as I continued to think about seasonal patterns.
