Carolina Wrens

The nest site is hidden in the far corner.
Even with all of the excitement of the Garden Bloggers Fling the last few days, I couldn't miss the pair of Carolina Wrens that were busily building a nest in the eaves of the deck roof.

The tea-kettle, tea-kettle, tea-kettle calls of the male have been starting the morning early, piercingly loud out the bedroom windows.  His calls continue throughout the day. (The link takes you to Cornell Ornithology Lab's All About Birds page for Carolina Wren calls).

The male and female were taking turns flying up with nest materials (the pine straw on the side beds looked to be a favorite choice).  It doesn't take long for a pair to build a nest  -  4-5 days after some practice.  I just spotted the male as I was typing and took a quick shot.

male Carolina wren

Hopefully, these wrens will be finished nesting by the time the scheduled replacement roof sheeting takes place.


  1. Love Carolina Wrens, but they find the goofiest places to nest. Last year had one in the lid of my propane tank.
    Loved your house today, thanks for letting us visit. What is the name of that white centered Penstemon in the front garden?

  2. Hi, Janet-
    Great to have all of you visit! The penstemon is one of the Blooms of Bressingham series -- the one with the white center is Penstemon Pensham Czar (I'm glad I kept the tags!) They're labelled as tender perennials, but with last year's mild winter, obviously are robust.


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