Warm season vegetables

I’m anxious to put in tomato and pepper transplants, as well as seed beans and squash, but it’s been a cool April, so I’m sitting on my hands. My cool season vegetables are enjoying the mild temperatures and current rainy spell, so they’re not showing any signs of bolting yet, either.

I’ll be doing a virtual program about warm season veggies for a favorite local nursery, Reem’s Creek Nursery, in Weaverville, on May 2 from 10 - 11 am.

Early May is the perfect time to start swapping out cool-season vegetables (or start a vegetable garden, whether as an experienced vegetable gardener or novice.). We’ll talk about vegetable selection, succession planting, and more.

Join us by pre-registration via this link: https://reemscreek.com/warm-season-vegetables-get-growing/ — Reem’s Creek has lots of great veggie and herb transplants available, too.

Theirs were what I added this spring to my overwintered greens.

My raised bed vegetable garden, in dappled light.
