A NC Apple: Inktober Day 10

Posted from Places of the Spirit.  Equally suitable here.

A local apple from the farmer's market was today's Inktober subject.  I think it was a Ginger Gold -- a lovely sweet apple with a Golden Delicious heritage.


I've drawn apples before; they're fun because I like apples, but challenging because of their shapes and shadows, but I'm starting to feel quite encouraged around improving my drawing skills.  A reminder came this afternoon as I realized that I had a LW drawings album within Photos, full of images of drawings from Inktober, a number of other drawing (including some apple drawings I'd done in Freiburg two years ago), and many other images of drawings and painting that I'd done in classes a decade or more ago.  I remember quite well signing myself up for a weekly drawing class at the Arts Center of Clemson, which was founded in 2005, but moved into its renovated space in an old elementary school annex in 2007.

I'm so grateful to have this space looking out into the woodland garden/forest behind the house.

It's a much smaller space than my former study in Clemson, but has a wonderful feel with natural wood and light throughout the day.

Sitting here, surrounded by so many favorite things, I'm supported by treasured objects, framed remembrances, gardening and travel books, with a few art and childhood books sprinkled in. 

Inspiration, indeed, I'm thinking this rainy afternoon.

